We Love Referrals!

Earn a free month of service EVERY time you
refer a new customer to Ventura’s Water Store!

That’s right each new customer that you send our way that signs up for services or rents a system you’ll have earned one of the following credits…

When the NEW Customer…

Joins the Water Club

– YOU will receive a $5 Credit!

Signs up for Bottled Water Delivery

– YOU will receive 1 Bottle Credit for your Account!

Rents a Reverse Osmosis System

– YOU will receive 1 Month Credit for your R.O. Account!

Rents a Soft Water System

– YOU will receive 1 Month Credit for your Soft Water Account!

Send as many as you want…. we’ll keep adding on the credits ‘cus we love referrals and our great customers that send them.

* Your credits begin 30 days after the initial sign up and installation of any rental systems.